GIVING BACK 2024: CIMWI - Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute


The SBSGOAF Committee is passionate about the ocean environment. It provides us so much, from the air we breathe to climate regulation, transportation, food, medicine, recreation and more. But we are not alone, as we share this wonderful ocean environment with many living creatures, making us a part of this diverse ocean community. So, it only makes sense that we give back to our local ocean wildlife community. That is why this year we have chosen the Channel Island Marine & Wildlife Institute aka CIMWI as our 2024 Giving Back recipient.

About CIMWI:

The Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute (CIMWI) is an organization filled with dedicated and passionate individuals that share CIMWI’s mission. Our goal is to positively impact conservation through marine mammal rescue, rehabilitation, research and education to promote ocean and human health.

CIMWI’s Board of Directors is made up of professionals that are committed to building a first-class marine mammal institute. Most of the team has a great deal of marine mammal experience (over 165 years cumulatively). Pairing these leaders with the volunteers that are responsible CIMWI’s day-to-day operations creates a winning combination. CIMWI volunteers provide the skill, time, energy and dedication that enable CIMWI to make a difference.

For more information see the links below:

Rescue - Rehabilitation & Return to the Wild - Research - Education

Want to help?

Donate - Volunteer